My Old Volvo 


It's that time of the year, after spending Saturday on a pedal power demo, I decided to spend Sunday bringing my 1961 Volvo 210 out of winter hibernation.
She started purring in no time and the 45…Read more

Mayday, mayday, MAY DAY!

It's May Day again and as usual the world is in turmoil.
Hard fought for workers rights are being discarded all over the world in the pretense of saving a global economy crippled by unregulated banking, housing speculation,…Read more

I Like You-Weeklyleaks-Dizzy

 The album is mastered, and now for some final meetings before deciding upon release date and with whom I might be working with.
I recieved some old photo's today from my friend Anders Schille, I remember him taking some…Read more

New page, new year, new album


New music has been written, a new album is in the works and once again Lars Horntveth is arranging and producing. Title I LIKE YOU

I was fired as CEO over at Home Groan Productions but after…Read more